Fixed Blade Knives

Fixed Blade Knives

Off-Grid builds hard-use fixed blade knives for serious work. Perfect tools for hunting, camping, bushcraft, fieldwork, wood processing, hiking, camp kitchen and any Off-Grid adventure your travels take you.


Fixed Blade Knives

Challenge the wild with Off-Grid Knives hard-use fixed blade knives. Folding knives are good for normal tasks but when you want something tough to be cut, you need a knife that is tougher. This is exactly what our fixed blade knives are. The perfect fixed blade knife for your adventures including hunting, camping, hiking, survival, and much more. Enjoy your travel as these tough knives handle your adventure needs.

Fixed blade knives have been around for centuries among various blade knife options, and for good reason. They're durable, strong, and can handle a lot of abuse. If you're looking for a knife that can stand up to some serious use, then a fixed blade is the way to go.

The strength and durability of this stainless steel blade are further improved if they are full tang knives. This type of knife has the blade size running the entire length of the handle material, making it the perfect size knife and much stronger than a straight edge folding knife.

With a full tang knife, you can take on tougher materials edge with ease. Plus, since there's no hinge on a fixed blade knife, there's no risk of the blade collapsing on your fingers during use. So as a knife user, if you're looking for a tough and reliable knife with good edge retention, go with a fixed blade.

You can use these knives as outdoor knives, hunting knives, survival knives, utility knives, combat knives, carry knives, carving knives, or as an all-purpose knives for your adventures.

However, fixed blades lack some of the convenience of an average folding knife. To carry them on your person as an EDC item, you need knife sheaths that you can mount to a belt, or you need to store the knife in a backpack or bag.

Believe it or not, there are actually laws in place regarding the types of knives that you can carry on college campuses and in other public buildings. Specifically, knife - Fixed Blades are illegal on college/university/school premises with lengths of two-and-a-half inches or longer.

Public building restricts any blade with a length longer than four inches. So, if you ever feel like bringing your kitchen knife with you, think again! Not only could you get in trouble with the law, but you could also end up injuring yourself or someone else.

So play it safe and leave your knives at home when heading to school or any other public building.

Fixed blades are popular among knife enthusiasts and collectors, but due to their strength and reliability, they are also used by hunters and outdoorsmen around the world. They value fixed blades because of their strength and durability, which make them reliable and dependable in the field.

However, it is not just the functionality of fixed blades that makes them so popular – many people also appreciate the simple, elegant design of a well-made fixed blade knife. Whether you are looking for a practical tool for your next hunting trip or a beautiful piece to add to your collection, a fixed blade knife is sure to impress.

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