Rhino To The Rescue

Rhino To The Rescue

Aug 20th 2021

The Off-Grid Knives Rhino is a large EDC (Everyday Carry) that is designed to be used at your campsite, and also in tactical situations, and sometimes even emergency situations...
What if we told you our Rhino Knife helped save a life?

Off-Grid often hears stories of our knives being used in different and interesting situations from our military, police officers, security guards, campers, hikers, etc. We love hearing these stories, and sometimes, a story needs to be shared with everyone...this is one of those stories.

"I use the Rhino daily. The edge retention is remarkable, still haven't needed to sharpen after lot's of use. Action is excellent. Lock-up is rock solid. Best $ I have ever spent on any knife...and I have many." - Jeff  

One of our customers oversees a team of meat plant workers who are surrounded by gigantic meat grinding machines and conveyor belts leading into these dangerous grinders. (I think you see where this is going.)

"I don’t often reach out to company’s, or share stuff like this, but felt this is something that speaks to the integrity of your products...I’ve been in the food manufacturing industry since I was 20 years old, now passing 40, and understand as a production facility manager, the risks, dangers, and reliance I carry in my choice of knife I have on me. I am scrupulous in detail, expectant of quality, and appreciative of honest and a trustworthy expectation in a blade for the purposes I carry it for. Last week, there was an incident in one of my lines, where I heard on the radio that one of my team members had gotten caught in a conveyor belt."

"Sparing details, he luckily was wearing enough layers, where it bound his frock jacket, hoodie, and shirt, enough over the cross bar on the motor, that it did not reach his arm itself, but had him bound to where he was constricted, and immobilized. When I got there, less than a minute later, they had attempted to use industrial shears, box knives, and other efforts to free him."

After clearing the area, I was able to use the Off-Grid Rhino knife, to get in and cut away with precision, and the needed sharpness, and quality of the tool you have made, to release him without injury, and faster than rescue tools designed for this very circumstance."

"I own knives from all of the named hitters in the game, Topps, Kershaw, BK Knives, etc, and still have the Buck my father gave me... above all, I’m very proud to say yours was in my hand that day, please continue your good works."

"I look forward to owning the Alpha Dog, and look to use it on my section hike on the Appalachian Trail next May. Thank you for making an outstanding product. While I may just flash it to open boxes, or do everyday tasks mostly, I felt you needed to hear an instance where what you have done with your company, and vision, truly affected the benefit of ones life, and the reasons those of us knife nerds choose products like yours to be at our side."


As a family owned and operated business, nothing makes us more proud to hear stories like these. Off-Grid loves your feedback, loves your stories and we welcome you to drop us a line should you have an interesting Off-Grid Knives story to tell. After all, knives just don't open boxes, they save lives.

Our knives are over-engineered for all of your off-grid adventures.